Key Stakeholders Collaborate on Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Marine Ecosystems
Mersin, March 1, 2024
On March 1st, a workshop focusing on the restoration of coastal-urban ecosystems through nature-based solutions took place in the Mediterranean city of Mersin, Turkey.
Hosted by the Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, the Middle East Technical University Institute of Marine Science (METU), the Ocean Cities Network in collaboration with the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC), MedCities, MESKI, the Mersin Chamber of Shipping, and the Turkey Mediterranean Hub, the workshop aimed to exchange solutions, experiences, and lessons learned on protecting urban marine ecosystems for sustainability and the well-being of cities.

Representatives from each organization participated in the meeting, with the objective of sharing best practices for coastal zone protection and developing a future protection program. Additionally, the workshop assessed the pressures of climate change on marine and coastal ecosystems and evaluated necessary measures to be taken.
This workshop was organized within the framework of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (UN Ocean Decade) and is part of the Policy axis activities of the Ocean Cities Network (OC-NET).